About Me

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California born and bred 25 year old dance machine now living in Salt Lake City. Sardonically irreverent spinster, DIY decorator & vegan baking enthusiast who enjoys sequins, house plants & malt liquor.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Remember how I was whining about not being able to find suitable furniture? The interior design gods heard my plea and took mercy on my poor soul. The next day I found these two couches that are absolutely perfect. They're super comfy, huge and I love them. Glory glory hallelujah. I went to Ikea and bought the huge Expedit bookshelf you can see in the back. I also bought paint and next weekend my living room will be strathclyde grey I'm so excited for everything to be finished.

I figured out the holy grail of vegan macaroni and cheese recipes made with Tofutti singles and have been eating it everyday. It seriously blew my mind.

I complained at work about being too bored. For three weeks I only worked a full 8 hours a handfull of times because I had no motivation to stay. Now I have new projects that require Excel wizardry and I have to read an Excel book so I know what the hell I'm doing. I'm excited about this, too.

I've had some gnarly mood swings lately and I would like to give special notice of Levi's ability to deal with it. Thank you and I love you. I'll chalk the moodiness up to the fact that I have hardly been eating anything lately (holy grail of mac n cheeze aside). Estrogen is a real bitch.

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